Monday, 7 May 2018

7 Day Alkaline Diet Plan to Fight Inflammation and Disease

7 Day Alkaline Diet Plan to Fight Inflammation and Disease
PH levels show the extent to which something is acid or alkaline. On the pH scale, 0 is completely acidic, while 14 is entirely alkaline, while 7 is neutral.

Every single body system has its own ideal pH level, while even small fluctuations in this balance might cause disastrous consequences.

Our blood is on the alkaline side, with a pH level between 7.35 and 7.45, while the stomach acid needs to have a pH of 3.5 or below in order to break down food. To ensure the proper pH level of the blood, our urine changes its pH value.

Alkaline diets are rich in alkaline foods to balance the pH levels in the body, as modern diets are high in acidic foods that promote inflammation and disease.

Therefore, they prevent bloating, insomnia, poor memory, kidney stones, poor energy levels, high blood pressure, headaches, diabetes, heart disease, muscle pain and weak bones.

These diets are a popular trend these days, but despite this fact, they are a powerful tool against numerous diseases, including cancer.

Many people report their personal positive experiences with these diets, but there are also many others who cannot understand the way they work.

The medical community doubts the success of these diets as every body system has its own ideal pH levels. Yet, facts show they work and they energize the body and provide health and vitality. This is a 7-day alkaline diet plan that will transform the way you feel in your body!

Alkaline diets also support weight loss, treat arthritis, inflammation, and cancer.

Namely, high sugar and high-fat foods are acidic, so they increase the blood acidity, and the body leeches minerals from the bones and organs to restore the proper pH balance of 7,4.

High acidity or acidosis promotes inflammation, and thus causes diseases such as multiple sclerosis, joint pain, arrhythmia, immunodeficiency disorders, lethargy, and cancer.

Conversely, cancer cells cannot strive in an alkaline environment. The pH levels are also important for cell signaling, which is vital for your cells to perform their individual tasks.

The nutritional therapist Vicki Edgson and organic chef Natasha Corrett created the Honestly Healthy Alkaline Programme, whose goal is to maintain the pH between 7.35 and 7.45. They believe this could be achieved by consuming 80 per cent alkaline foods and 20 percent acidic foods.

These are the basic rules:

You should consume vegetables, most fruits, peas, legumes, beans, soybeans and tofu, some nuts, and seeds, and plenty of healthy fats such as olive oil, coconut oil, and flaxseed oil.

This is a list of the alkaline musts:


On the other hand, you should avoid processed foods, sugar, dairy, meat, eggs, alcohol, most grains, caffeine, as well as soy, processed corn, safflower and sunflower oils, hydrogenated oil and margarine.

You should follow this plan and significantly boost your overall health. Moreover, we also give you the recipes of some simple, alkaline, but tasty meals.

7 day Alkaline Diet Plan

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