Wednesday, 13 June 2018

The Importance of Reducing Carbohydrates Instead of Fat to Drop Sizes

The Importance of Reducing Carbohydrates Instead of Fat to Drop Sizes

The most important thing is that you understand that you should not eliminate carbohydrates completely, but choose the healthiest ones.

1. Low-carbohydrate diets fight severe obesity

If you are a person with an excessive weight, you should know that reducing carbohydrates can make you lose about 5 kilos in 6 months. This amount may seem very low to some people. However, severe obesity is a difficult problem to fight, and getting out of that cycle can considerably reduce your medical problems such as:

  •     Diabetes
  •     Metabolic syndrome

It has been proven that people who are severely obese and follow the low carbohydrate diet achieve:

    Reduced triglycerides.
    Improved insulin resistance.
    Keep insulin levels stable.

In terms of weight loss, when making the comparison between those who follow a diet low in fat and a low in carbohydrates, the results were:

    Those who followed the low-fat diet only dropped between 1.9 and 4.2 kilos in 6 months.
    Those who received the low carb diet lost between 5.8 and 8.6 kilos in 6 months.

See also: 7 Ways to Prevent Obesity

2. Diets that are based on reducing carbohydrates help overweight adolescents

We know that it is important to maintain a healthy weight at all times. However, children and adolescents should have more intense control on their diets to avoid presenting health problems at an early age.

In a study carried out in the year 2000, it was proven that a diet that aims to reduce carbohydrates reduces weight and risks of cardiovascular problems in obese adolescents. This was done for 12 weeks and the results were surprising: on average, the participants lost about 9 kilos of weight.

It is important to remember that, in adolescents, achieving these changes is very important in terms of their emotional health. By achieving a healthy weight, you also increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Something that should be taken into account is that this diet should be accompanied by an education on nutrition to form good habits and correct those that are not helping.

3. A diet low in carbohydrates also improves mood

Have you noticed that all the time you’re in bad shape? Maybe you get depressed easily and you do not know why? In this case, you should know that a study found that low-carb diets help:

    Control the appetite
    Fight insomnia
    Reduce fatigue
    Reduce stomach problems

In this sense, it is important to remember that everything we eat has a certain influence on the chemistry of the brain. In the same way that chocolate helps you to be happier, processed carbohydrates give you constant problems.

Another study also found that reducing negative carbohydrates in your diet will improve your mental agility. That is, your capacity for thought and reaction will be much more efficient.

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