These 12 Things Will Help You Prevent Bad Breath
Did you know that not drinking enough water throughout the day can cause bad breath? So, try to drink at least two liters of water a day.
Oral hygiene is as important to your health as any other good habit. Sometimes, brushing your teeth, rinsing your mouth, or chewing an odor-neutralizing mint isn’t enough. Here are some things that may help you fight bad breath.
Brush your teeth after every meal
It’s important to get rid of the excess food that builds up in the spaces between each tooth. Your toothbrush also removes plaque hidden under your gums. This plaque not only causes bad breath, but also forms spots that may decalcify your teeth.
Read this article too: 14 Reasons Why Your Gums Bleed When Brushing Your Teeth
Sometimes your toothbrush doesn’t completely remove the traces of food that get stuck between your teeth, either because they’re too small or simply because your toothbrush cannot reach that area. These particles that get stuck in your teeth or under your gums can cause nasty infections such as gingivitis.
Tongue brushes
Your tongue traps a lot of germs since it’s exposed to microorganisms every time you open your mouth. There are toothbrushes that have tongue brushes on the other side. You can use them to clean inside your cheeks and remove any traces of germs or bacteria that cause bad breath.
Change your toothbrush regularly
Even if you take good care of your toothbrush, it’s a clear target for the hundreds of bacteria that live in your bathroom.
Oral care specialists recommend changing your toothbrush every two to three months.
It’s important to replace your toothbrush after a cold or flu because it can carry infectious bacteria that can cause a relapse.
See also: How to Reduce Wisdom Teeth Swelling After Them Removed
Use alcohol-free mouthwash
Once the mint or citrus fruit flavor disappears, your mouth dries up and you may get bad breath. This is because many types of mouthwash contain up to 27% alcohol.
Also, they have a component named chlorhexidine that can stain your teeth over time.
Don’t drink too much coffee
Caffeine slows down the production of saliva which can make your mouth dry up and cause bad breath.
You can change your obsessive coffee-drinking habit and start drinking hot or cold tea instead. Natural tea is the best choice.
Drink at least two liters of water a day
This liquid is very important to your body. Drinking the right amount of water usually stimulates salivary flow.
This means that your mouth won’t be dry and you’ll be less likely to suffer from bad breath.
Don’t take medicines you don’t need
Taking painkillers, antihistamines, and antidepressants often decreases saliva production.
The health specialist should address all questions and explain to the patient the side effects they may suffer from taking certain pills.
Tonsil stones
These stones get lodged in the back of your throat. They have a putrid smell because they’re hard deposits of food and bacteria that have lodged in your tonsils.
Tonsil stones look like tiny white spots or lumps. You should have good oral hygiene to prevent them.
Avoid low carb diets
Following low carb diets produces ketosis, a process that forces the body to burn fats and proteins that are stored for energy.
During this process, the body releases chemicals such as ketones that cause a bad smell.
Your weight is a factor
Obesity is a stimulating factor for unpleasant halitosis. Different studies have shown there’s a link between being overweight and having bad breath.
Avoid mints
Minty tablets and chewing gum are high in sugar. When a person eats one they think everything will be fine, but the effect is temporary.
After the effect wears out, the sugars and bacteria remain suspended on the dental surface. If you want fresh breath, try sugar-free mints.
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Help strengthen the family bond
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